Wednesday, 19 August 2015

If you stand close to Gaza beach, you will see yourself mirrored in its blue crystal water. The waves approach the bystanders addressing them, “Thank God you are safe. We missed you.” At the wartime, the sea was struggling with the aggressors by shaking the land to destroy the their warships and vessels which targeted civilians. He said, “Oh shame on me! I held responsibility for this bloodshed. I helped them kill Bakker children in Gaza sea port. I had these warships on me.” In the same way he said, “Oh shame on those countries who sold these warships to these thugs and those who helped in crossing them from their seaports.”

Anyway, the sea today is very happy to have the little children on the beach running after each other and kicking the balls in the air. These children used to spend their nights on the beach with their families in Ramadan having their lunch (Iftar). Everyone of them has a brother killed or injured. Who knows! Maybe he is killed or has some of his body parts amputated. Now, Gaza sea is trying to do his least duty by inviting and encouraging people from all over the world to end the siege on Gaza and stand with Gazans. Gaza Sea assures the children and their families that there are positive reactions from those who read this post and share it.

Mosab Abu Toha

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Escaping the Ghost of Unemployment

Some university graduates did not expect they would work in a field that is apart from their study field. Most of Gaza graduates do not work. They try and are still trying to knock every door of the employers so they might find their escaping future. Delivery service became a resort for some of those graduates. The difficulty of life in Gaza pushes them to try every chance. They do not want to be as useless as the mattresses they sleep on. They are still young and are determined to exploit their youth and strength to help their poor families. They charge the customer USD for every order.
They gave up on their dream of becoming lawyers, businessmen, nurses, teachers and so many other position needed for society. This is in preference to face their daily duties and burdens. Here in Gaza, one needs to work in a society to get some experience related to his study field. This costs money and time which most of them prefer to save for their families.

There work primarily depends on motorcycles because it is a fast and easy means of delivery. They face some problems that deter them from doing their jobs well. First of all, the shortage of electricity. Not only does this affects the delivery services, but almost all aspects of life in Gaza. The only and most important thing that does not requires electricity is breathing. Otherwise, I would not be writing this piece of writing. Delivery service needs 24/7 phone and mobile on and electricity cutoff negatively affects that. Light for the stores of distribution. Another serious problem is the lack of fuel due to the few amount that enters Gaza. Sometimes it does not worth it to drive from the distribution store to the customer’s for it is too far consuming fuel more than usual. Moreover, in the wintertime it forces the delivery services to use their private cars. The cars consume fuel more than motorcycles do. They also sometimes find it difficult to provide some kind of goods for the customers due to the repeated closure of the crossing borders.

Monday, 17 August 2015

We Will Not Go Down. Proud to be Palestinian

If I were not Palestinian I would choose to be Palestinian because being a Palestinian or pro Palestinian means you are human and you care about your humanity. I really feel Palestinian. I am proud.
We will remain steadfast till we get our freedom. Us being besieged and tortured is the tax of freedom and liberty. If you have never gone through that then you have and will never feel your humanty. We are born to live our humanity and whoever doesn't believe in this should think about that and suspect his being human.
Mosab Abu Toha